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;;;Cadalyst CAD Tips www.cadalyst.com/cadtips December 2008 (c) by the Author and Cadalyst
;;;Author: Pedro Miguel da Silva Ferreira Email:pedro_ferreira@netcabo.pt or pferreira@wsatkins.pt
;;;Web page: http://pwp.netcabo.pt/pedro_ferreira
;;;Location: Portugal, Lisboa
;;;Command Name: txt2xls
;;;Date: 10 of May 2008
;;;Version: 1.0
;;;Description: Visual Lisp Routine that writes to an excel file the selected text
(defun c:txt2xls (
(defun selecttext ()
(princ "\nSelect text: ")
(setq pt1 (getpoint "\nSpecify first corner: "))
(setq pt2 (getcorner pt1 "Specify opposite corner:"))
(setq sstext (ssget "_w" pt1 pt2 '((0 . "text"))))
(setq lengthsstext (sslength sstext))
(setq count 0)
(setq textlist nil)
(repeat lengthsstext
(setq Text (vlax-ename->vla-object
(cdr (car (entget (ssname sstext count))))
TextPoint (vlax-get-property Text 'insertionpoint)
textString (vlax-get-property Text 'textstring)
listText (append
(vlax-safearray->list (vlax-variant-value textpoint))
(list textstring)
textlist (append textlist (list listtext))
count (1+ count)
"Length and Heigth error calculation, select two entities in the same column!"
(setq pt1 (vlax-safearray->list
(cdr (car (entget (car (entsel)))))
(setq pt2 (vlax-safearray->list
(cdr (car (entget (car (entsel)))))
(setq calY (- (abs (- (cadr pt1) (cadr pt2))) 0.001)
calX (- (abs (- (car pt1) (car pt2))) 0.001)
fuzzY (getreal
(strcat "\nHeigth error value <"
(rtos calY)
">, select other: "
(if (= fuzzY nil)
(setq fuzzY calY)
fuzzX (getreal
(strcat "\nLength error value <"
(rtos calX)
">, select other: "
(if (= fuzzX nil)
(setq fuzzX calX)
;;;ordenado por x
(setq textlist
(vl-sort textlist
(function (lambda (e1 e2)
(< (car e1) (car e2))
(setq textlistlength (length textlist))
(setq count 0)
(setq countcol 1)
(while (< count textlistlength)
(setq smalllist (nth count textlist)
valuex (car (nth count textlist))
nextvaluex (car (nth (1+ count) textlist))
(setq smalllist (subst (itoa countcol) valuex smalllist))
(setq textlist (subst smalllist (nth count textlist) textlist))
(while (equal nextvaluex valuex fuzzX)
(setq count (1+ count))
(setq smalllist (nth count textlist)
valuex (car (nth count textlist))
nextvaluex (car (nth (1+ count) textlist))
(setq smalllist (subst (itoa countcol) valuex smalllist))
textlist (subst smalllist (nth count textlist) textlist)
(if (= nextvaluex nil)
(setq nextvaluex (1+ valuex))
(if (> nextvaluex valuex)
(setq count (1+ count))
(setq countcol (1+ countcol))
;;;ordenado por y
(setq textlist
(vl-sort textlist
(function (lambda (e1 e2)
(> (cadr e1) (cadr e2))
(setq textlistlength (length textlist))
(setq count 0)
(setq countrow 1)
(while (< count textlistlength)
(setq smalllist (nth count textlist)
valuey (cadr (nth count textlist))
nextvaluey (cadr (nth (1+ count) textlist))
(setq smalllist (subst (itoa countrow) valuey smalllist))
(setq textlist (subst smalllist (nth count textlist) textlist))
(while (equal nextvaluey valuey fuzzY)
(setq count (1+ count))
(setq smalllist (nth count textlist)
valuey (cadr (nth count textlist))
nextvaluey (cadr (nth (1+ count) textlist))
(setq smalllist (subst (itoa countrow) valuey smalllist))
textlist (subst smalllist (nth count textlist) textlist)
(if (= nextvaluey nil)
(setq nextvaluey (1+ valuey))
(if (< nextvaluey valuey)
(setq count (1+ count))
(setq countrow (1+ countrow))
(setq textlistlength (length textlist))
(setq count 0)
(while (< count textlistlength)
(setq colstring (cadddr (nth count textlist)))
(setq posx (atoi (car (nth count textlist)))
posy (atoi (cadr (nth count textlist)))
(write-row-column posy posx colstring)
(setq count (1+ count))
(defun init-excel (/ excel-app wb-collection workbook sheets sheet1)
(setq excel-app (vlax-create-object "excel.application"))
(setq wb-collection (vlax-get excel-app "workbooks"))
(setq workbook (vlax-invoke-method wb-collection "add"))
(setq sheets (vlax-get workbook "sheets"))
(setq sheet1 (vlax-get-property sheets "item" 1))
(setq *excel-cells* (vlax-get sheet1 "cells"))
(vlax-put excel-app "visible" 1)
(defun write-row-column (row col x)
(vl-princ-to-string x)
"Type [txt2xls] in the command line\n\nAuthor: Pedro Ferreira\nweb page: http://pwp.netcabo.pt/pedro_Ferreira\n\nTHIS PROGRAM IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\" AND WITH ALL FAULTS.\n\nPress OK to continue."